Stocks in Japan and South Korea ended the last trading day of the year yesterday by notching up annual falls of more than 40 per cent, their worst yearly result since records began. 昨日是日本和韩国股市今年最后一个交易日,其年度跌幅均超过40%,为有史以来最糟糕结果。
Last Delivery Day: second business day following the last trading day of the delivery month. 最后交割日:交割月份最后一个交易日之后的第二个营业日。
After the last trading day of a stock index futures contract ended, the exchange shall, based on the final settlement price, transfer the profits and losses of both parties of the positions and terminate all the open contracts of positions. 股指期货合约最后交易日收市后,交易所以交割结算价为基准,划付持仓双方的盈亏,了结所有未平仓合约。
Final disposition of open positions on the last trading day of a contract month. Occurs in markets where there is no actual delivery. 在合约月的一个最后交易日最终的斩仓,在没有实际货物交割的市场中发生。
In china, the average rate of returns between the first six trading days and the last trading day is higher than those of other trading days. 我国的月交替效应是每个月的前6个交易日和上个月的最后一个交易日的平均收益率高于其他交易日的平均收益率。
To avoid the expiration-day effects of derivatives overlapping with monthly effect of cash market, the optimal last trading day of index futures is best set in mid-month. 为了防止期货到期日效应与现货月效应及假日效应等重叠,增大现货市场的波动性,本文建议将股指期货合约最后交易日设在月中。
The empirical tests are conducted through the cointegration method and results show that the aluminum futures market, 7,14,28 days prior to the last trading day, supports the risk premium hypothesis; 结果显示:距最后交易日前7、14、28天的铝期货市场支持风险溢价假说,在风险溢价条件下具有长期效率;
Weekend overnight price yield is the price change ratio from close price of last trading day last week to open price of first trading day this week. 周末隔夜价格收益率,上周末收盘至下周初开盘的价格变化率。